Bulgarian Society of Dermatology

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Two Cases of Pediatric Keratosis Lichenoides Chronica with Review of the Clinical and Hitopathological Features of Pediatric versus Adult Presentation and Treatment with Acitretin


Author(s): Bachour Julien, Khonayser Pierre, El Haber Costantin, Ghosn Samer, Ghandour Fatima and M�garban� Hala

Keratosis Lichenoides Chronica (KLC) is a rare and chronic disorder of keratinization of unknown etiology. It is a progressive disease characterized by the linear and reticulate appearance of erythematous-to-violaceous keratotic and lichenoid papules over the trunk and limbs. KLC is uncommon in the pediatric population is uncommon and its clinical and histopathological presentation differs from the adult form. We report two cases in pediatric population, one of which has been treated successfully by acitretin. We also review the clinical and histopathologic features of the pediatric versus the adult form.