Bulgarian Society of Dermatology

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Rapid Detection of Sporotrichosis by ABC-ELISA


Author(s): Yaqin Zhang, Jianjiao Zu, Venkatesh Pyla, Qing Yue and Xianling Cong

Background: Avidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase enzyme complex, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ABCELISA) is widely used in detecting the soluble bacterial, viral antigen and antibody, but the reports of detecting mycotic antigens were few .We used the method to detect Sporothrix schenckii pathogen of sporotrichosis in smear.
Aim: To provide a rapid diagnostic method for sporotrichosis.
Methods: 20 cases of sporotrichosis-in doubt we scraped pus or tissue fluid from the skin lesion and perform ABCELISA by reagent vectastatin ABC kit, rabbit anti Sporothrix schenckii serum.
Results: 18 of 20 cases were diagnosed as sporotrichosis. 14 of 18 cases were positive (77.8%) by ABC-ELISA stain, 5 of 18 cases were positive (27.7%) by Gram stain.
Conclusion: ABC ELISA is new fashioned biological amplification technique due to its sensitivity of this method is 77.8% in smear, the specificity is 100%. Only three hours is needed, so this method can be used to detect Sporothrix shenckii rapidly.