Bulgarian Society of Dermatology

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Myxoid Liposarcoma of the Skin-Rare Case with Multifocal Presentation


Author(s): Shiv Chopra, Aman Chopra, Asok Aggarwal and Reshma Yadav

The dermis is an exceptionally rare primary site of presentation of liposarcomas. Only two cases of the myxoid variety have been reported in the literature. The lesions present as dome shaped or polypoidal masses that frequently show high grade morphological changes, but carry a comparitively a good prognosis. We report a 35 year old male who presented with multiple "ginger tuber" like lesions on the upper half of the body. The clinical behaviour was extremely aggressive with a short history of short duration.It is important to recognise the fact that though dermal liposarcomas by and large carry a good prognosis there exists a rare subset with a "multifocal" presentation that suggests a poor clinical course even though the histopathological features may show a high grade pathology suggesting a good prognosis. These cases require urgent treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, where surgery may have no role in therapeutics. It is for this reason that we are presenting this rare subset of “multifocal myxoid dermal liposarcoma” which should alert all clinicians to act with speed.